Hey, if you have complantes picture fan stuff or even if you just want to talk just e-mail me at one of these addreses if its urgent e-mail me at my hotmail one Thank you Sincerly Tristan Evans The Following Are My E-mail Addreses Zero132@Hotmail.com(If Urgent) Zazarato@Tripod.com(If You Never Want me2 Read your message) Ultimate_Cell@Saiyan.com(Recomended)(Check Every Day) Chaos_Lord28@Hotmail.com(Same As The Tripod One.) I Got even More but i wont list em they are the ones i dont check ever If you mail the message to the saiyan one or the zero132 one you will be messaged back the next day that is if it is a quistion or a comment ment to be written back. 